Top 15 Reasons To Use Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day
An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a very famous saying. Now, you can add a new twist to this saying by replacing the apple with apple cider vinegar. A daily dose of apple cider vinegar is also very effective in keeping the doctor away. It is a quick and effective ingredient for your hair, skin, cleaning coffee makers, removing coffee and tea stains from ceramic cups, polishing armor, killing weeds, making pickles as well as used for salad dressing. Apple cider vinegar is such a useful ingredient that you cannot resist the use of this ingredient every single day. It is not just used for helping you out in the kitchen and for cleaning things, but it also has many natural benefits. It is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium and fluorine. It is also rich in vitamins like A, B1, B2, C, E, pectin and bioflavanoid. It is such a useful ingredient that you need to use it in your daily routine.
Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
1. Detoxifying Your Home
Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting the apple juice to form hard apple cider. Then it undergoes a second fermentation process where it becomes apple cider vinegar.
• Using the apple cider vinegar in place of other products in your home will help you to decrease the consumption and dependence on unnatural chemicals in your homes every day.
• Regular use of apple cider vinegar will provide a healthy environment and surrounding in your home.
2. Regulates Skin pH
Apple cider vinegar is found to be an excellent ingredient that will help in removing age spots, ace scars, and warts apart from toning your skin.
• Use two parts of water to dilute one part of apple cider vinegar and spread this mixture all over your face with the help of a soft cotton ball.
• You can apply this at night before going to bed or even use it in the morning before applying your moisturizer.
• It will help in reducing age spots.
Warts Treatment:
• Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and then using a band aid seal this soaked cotton ball over the wart on your face.
• Leave it there for overnight and there are chances for the skin to swell when the apple cider vinegar solution reacts with the wart.
• The wart will fall off and repeat this treatment for a few more days so that wart does not reappear.
3. Use It For Shiny Hair
If you love to see your hair shiny and full, then you need to rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar after a good shampoo. It is also an excellent remedy for dandruff.
• Add half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of cold water and mix it well.
• Apply this solution over your hair after a good shampooing process and leave it there for about half an hour and then rinse it off.
• Repeat this process several times a week to see quick and effective results.
4. Removes Teeth Stains
If you are finding it difficult to flaunt your yellow teeth, then apple cider vinegar is the cheapest and simplest ingredient that will help you to restore the natural white color of your teeth. It will also work effectively on the bacteria in your mouth and gums.
How To Use?
• Gargle every day with apple cider vinegar the first thing in the morning and then brush your teeth like you do normally.
• Also, brushing your teeth with apple cider vinegar will help in reducing the yellowness of your teeth.
5. Treats Sunburnt Skin
If you feel that your skin has been sunburnt due to excessive heat outside, then you can always think of having an apple cider vinegar bath to soothe your skin.
• Add half a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bucket of water and bath in this water. Leave the water to react on your burnt skin for some time before patting it dry.
• You can also add one or two cups of apple cider vinegar to a bathtub filled with water. Soak yourself in this water mixture for about half an hour and then have a quick bath. All your discomfort due to sunburn will vanish instantly.
6. A Natural Aftershave
If you find the regular chemical aftershaves to cause skin irritation, then you can think of replacing it with natural apple cider vinegar.
How To Use?
• Add equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and mix them well.
• Apply this mixture over your face after a good shave and you will never experience skin irritation after a shave.
7. Promotes Weight Loss
If being overweight or obese is a problem, then you have a good solution with you in the form of apple cider vinegar. It has been found that regular consumption of apple cider vinegar that is rich in acetic acid will help in significantly reducing abdominal fat, body weight, triglycerides and inches around your waist.
• Add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 16 ounces of water. Mix it well and drink it every day for 12 weeks in the morning.
• You will find that you have reduced your weight by 2 to 3 kilos after 12 weeks.
8. Natural Massager
Massaging apple cider vinegar on hands and feet gives relief to tired hands and feet. It helps to reduce joint pains and inflammations due to arthritis, when applied to the bone joints.
How To Use?
• Rub your hands and feet with apple cider vinegar and massage it lightly before going to bed, to get rid of tiredness and pain in the joints.
9. Maintains Body pH
Apple cider vinegar helps to maintain healthy pH levels in the body. High level of acidity in the body leads to higher risk of infections. Apple cider vinegar helps to lower the acidity level.
How To Use?
• Mix 2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water and drink it once or twice daily to boost your immune system.
10. Body Detoxification
While balancing the pH of the body, apple cider vinegar does the overall detoxification of the body. Studies have shown that consuming apple cider vinegar helps in improving the cardiovascular circulation and detoxifying the liver.
How To Use?
• Sip some vinegar few times a day
11. Cleanses The Lymphatic System
Apple cider vinegar helps in the breakdown of mucous in the body and clears the lymph nodes. It can fight allergies as it reduces mucous formation and reduces sinus congestion.
How To Use?
• You can sip the apple cider vinegar few times a day or you can use 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar added to one glass of water and drink it in empty stomach.
12. Fights Yeast Infections
Apple cider vinegar has anti fungal properties. It contains natural enzymes which help in fighting Candida or yeast infections in humans.
How To Use?
• Mix one cup of apple cider vinegar with one cup of water
• Apply this mixture to the yeast infected areas of the skin several times a day
• Repeat the procedure for a few days or till skin is cleared of infection.
13. Reduces Heart Burn
The hydrochloric acid present in the stomach is the reason for heartburn. Apple cider vinegar reduces the acidity of the stomach as it is a very mild acid. This helps to correct the acidity level of the stomach.
How To Use?
• Take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar followed by one glass of water to get relief from heartburn.
14. Repels Fleas On Pets
• Mix one part of vinegar and one part of water
• Spray this mix on the fur of your pet and rub it into the skin
• Continue this for a few days to remove flea infestation
15. Cleanser
• It can be used for cleaning the toilet-pour apple cider vinegar into the toilet and keep it overnight.
• It can be used for cleaning dishes instead of dish washing liquids.
• Mix half cup of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water and use this mixture to wipe microwaves, kitchen counters, glass windows, mirrors etc.
Are you looking for a natural product to keep clean your home, to increase your body immunity? Do you want to know about natural methods to keep your hair and skin clean? Are you looking for a natural alternative to chemical dishwashers and toilet cleaners? Then you can start using apple cider vinegar for these purposes. You will find that apple cider vinegar is the ultimate natural method to keep clean your home and to maintain your body health. You can also use it in many other ways according to your need.